NCAA Basketball Transfer Portal BPM Predictor App
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Dominic Samangy // @DSamangy NBA Draft big boards are an extremely popular exercise where an evaluator ranks each prospect in a numerical...
As a budding analyst in all aspects of the game of basketball, I consistently look to expose myself to new forms of information from as...
In math, 3 is greater than 2. However, do we as fans really understand why the same (mostly) applies to basketball as well? Well, here is...
PDF Version Thanks/Inspiration First, I would like to give a massive thanks to Eoin O’Brien (Twitter: @Eoin_O’Brien_) for his help on...
Nashville SC Data Project Dominic Samangy With the first task of deciding which team to take control of, I took a look at how each team...
Jonathan Bosch, Cam Mitchell, Drew DiSanto, Dominic Samangy & Syracuse Basketball Analytics Club Presents Does College Experience Affect...
As the 3-pointer is so valuable in today's game, perimeter defense has never been more important. Here is a recent study of mine to find...